
Voting Guide

Voting for a candidate in the Network Steward election consists of sending a special type of transaction to yourself. The more coins you have in your wallet, the more voting power you have. If your coins are distributed across multiple wallet addresses, then you will need to make one vote transaction from each address in order to maximise your voting power.

There are two wallets that can be used to cast a vote in the Network Steward election. In the examples below, you are voting for the address 'pkt1q6sj0mchq7ltwm8c9tpm2wteqmeldr2ye5lcr60':

PKT Wallet

./bin/pktctl --wallet walletpassphrase '<your password>' 600
./bin/pktctl --wallet sendvote <your wallet address> pkt1q6sj0mchq7ltwm8c9tpm2wteqmeldr2ye5lcr60

PKT Lightning Wallet

./bin/pldctl unlock
./bin/pldctl wallet/transaction/sendvote --from_address=<your wallet address> --vote_for=pkt1q6sj0mchq7ltwm8c9tpm2wteqmeldr2ye5lcr60

There is also an application built specifically for voting: PKT Voter. In order to cast your vote with PKT Voter, you will need the private key for the address that you wish to vote with.

Below you can find instructions on how to export your private key from four popular wallets:

PKT Wallet

./bin/pktctl --wallet walletpassphrase '<your password>' 600
./bin/pktctl --wallet dumpprivkey <your wallet address>

PKT Lightning Wallet

./bin/pldctl unlock
./bin/pldctl wallet/address/dumpprivkey --address=<your wallet address>

Pkt.world Wallet

Right-click your address
Choose "Copy private key for address"

PKT Electrum

Right-click your address
Choose "Private key"

Once your vote has been confirmed on the blockchain, it will appear on packetscan.io/election.